Originally Posted on May 9, 2012
Vegetalismo is an indigenous shamanic practice in the Shipibo tradition. Vegetalismo utilizes the extraordinary healing powers of master plant medicine from the Peruvian Amazon. It’s used for a wide range of problems, from depression and advanced-stage cancer to spiritual crisis. April and Christine are excited to share the strange and exciting stories (and their accompanying pictures) of the profound healing and spiritual teachings that we came home with from our recent 3-week journey. Think hot pepper topical treatments, the purifying smoke of burning tires, and vomitives followed by more vomitives…and those are just the physical aspects! We will also be sharing with you plans to take a group of folks, in partnership with our friend Cristina Orbe, back to the Amazon for healing in December, just in time for the end of the Mayan Calendar!
WHEN: Wednesday, May 23th, 2012, 7-9pm.
PLEASE RSVP to [email protected] and we will send you the address!
Vegetalismo is an indigenous shamanic practice in the Shipibo tradition. Vegetalismo utilizes the extraordinary healing powers of master plant medicine from the Peruvian Amazon. It’s used for a wide range of problems, from depression and advanced-stage cancer to spiritual crisis. April and Christine are excited to share the strange and exciting stories (and their accompanying pictures) of the profound healing and spiritual teachings that we came home with from our recent 3-week journey. Think hot pepper topical treatments, the purifying smoke of burning tires, and vomitives followed by more vomitives…and those are just the physical aspects! We will also be sharing with you plans to take a group of folks, in partnership with our friend Cristina Orbe, back to the Amazon for healing in December, just in time for the end of the Mayan Calendar!
WHEN: Wednesday, May 23th, 2012, 7-9pm.
PLEASE RSVP to [email protected] and we will send you the address!