An evening of spoken word, dance, ritual, and multimedia theater
Featuring Climbing PoeTree, MissTANGQ & an interactive ritual led by Zenyu
Tuesday, May 6th, 2014
7:30pm, Doors open at 7pm
Hiawatha Artist Lofts Community Room
843 Hiawatha Place South, Seattle WA 98144
Suggested donation $10-25, no one turned away for lack of funds
Zenyu Healing is proud to present “Deep Roots”, a soul-stirring evening of spoken word, dance, ritual, and multimedia theater featuring Climbing PoeTree, MissTANGQ, and Zenyu leaders. The evening, which highlights queer and gender-nonconforming women of color, will open with an interactive ritual to celebrate our ancestors* and the creation of a community altar. As we honor all who have gone before us, we will also answer our sacred call as ancestors to future generations. This once-in-a-lifetime event kicks off Zenyu’s 2014 Heritage Project, a groundbreaking new leadership development project that will engage emerging community leaders from diverse racial backgrounds, including people with European ancestry, to collectively explore our rich cultural heritage and ancestral identities. This process will inform and reinvigorate our leadership in community change, and racial justice and political work. Join us in what is bound to be a deeply meaningful and magical evening of beauty and spiritual connection.
*We define ancestors not just by blood, but include all those who have loved us into being (i.e. your grandmother, 2nd-grade teacher, a childhood animal companion, a beloved tree, etc.) and/or who have blazed the path of love and justice with fearless vision and leadership (Audre Lorde, Martin Luther King, Jr., etc.). We invite all who feel called to bring an item symbolizing your connection to those who have gone before you for our community altar.
An evening of spoken word, dance, ritual, and multimedia theater
Featuring Climbing PoeTree, MissTANGQ & an interactive ritual led by Zenyu
Tuesday, May 6th, 2014
7:30pm, Doors open at 7pm
Hiawatha Artist Lofts Community Room
843 Hiawatha Place South, Seattle WA 98144
Suggested donation $10-25, no one turned away for lack of funds
Zenyu Healing is proud to present “Deep Roots”, a soul-stirring evening of spoken word, dance, ritual, and multimedia theater featuring Climbing PoeTree, MissTANGQ, and Zenyu leaders. The evening, which highlights queer and gender-nonconforming women of color, will open with an interactive ritual to celebrate our ancestors* and the creation of a community altar. As we honor all who have gone before us, we will also answer our sacred call as ancestors to future generations. This once-in-a-lifetime event kicks off Zenyu’s 2014 Heritage Project, a groundbreaking new leadership development project that will engage emerging community leaders from diverse racial backgrounds, including people with European ancestry, to collectively explore our rich cultural heritage and ancestral identities. This process will inform and reinvigorate our leadership in community change, and racial justice and political work. Join us in what is bound to be a deeply meaningful and magical evening of beauty and spiritual connection.
*We define ancestors not just by blood, but include all those who have loved us into being (i.e. your grandmother, 2nd-grade teacher, a childhood animal companion, a beloved tree, etc.) and/or who have blazed the path of love and justice with fearless vision and leadership (Audre Lorde, Martin Luther King, Jr., etc.). We invite all who feel called to bring an item symbolizing your connection to those who have gone before you for our community altar.
Climbing PoeTree (Alixa Garcia and Naima Penniman) is a performing duo from Brooklyn, New York, that explores the intersection of arts and activism by interweaving spoken word, hip hop and award-winning multi-media theater. With flawless cadence and impeccable lyricism, Alixa and Naima weave together their voices to tell powerful stories of love and liberation, state and personal violence, social, environmental, racial, and sexual justice, woman's empowerment and human transcendence.
MissTANGQ (Hua Meng Yu) is a synasthetic artist, youth worker, food justice activist, and magical nerd. She loves to sing on her bike, make playlists and plot what she's going to eat next. Dancing is her favorite form of space travel.
*We ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume, hair products) or essential oils the day of the event in order to make the event accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical sensitivity.
*Hiawatha Artist Lofts is wheelchair-accessible.
*All ages space.
Climbing PoeTree (Alixa Garcia and Naima Penniman) is a performing duo from Brooklyn, New York, that explores the intersection of arts and activism by interweaving spoken word, hip hop and award-winning multi-media theater. With flawless cadence and impeccable lyricism, Alixa and Naima weave together their voices to tell powerful stories of love and liberation, state and personal violence, social, environmental, racial, and sexual justice, woman's empowerment and human transcendence.
MissTANGQ (Hua Meng Yu) is a synasthetic artist, youth worker, food justice activist, and magical nerd. She loves to sing on her bike, make playlists and plot what she's going to eat next. Dancing is her favorite form of space travel.
*We ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume, hair products) or essential oils the day of the event in order to make the event accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical sensitivity.
*Hiawatha Artist Lofts is wheelchair-accessible.
*All ages space.